Grandma Brenda & Her Favorite Daughter
When I found out I was pregnant, I really wanted to tell my mommy in a special way. Conveniently, my beautiful sister & I had plans to take mom out for a day of play for her birthday, which made the secret keeping much easier. After sharing the news with my sister (who is usually a terrible secret keeper), we agreed that the news would make a great addition to our mommy's birthday surprise.It was pretty hard to play it cool so we agreed to do birthday gifts first. I've never seen someone open gifts so slowly, and I'm pretty sure that Kirby & I were both ready to pee our pants with excitement when mom finally got around to opening my gift bag. Unbeknownst to mom, the best part of her present was at the bottom of the bag. At the very last, mom pulled out a little baby bib that said, "Grandma Loves Me."
Her initial response was "What!" like I was in big fat trouble and then she quickly broke into happy tears. We ended up ditching our initial plans and going shopping for baby items, baby books, and discussing baby names. Luckily, mom seemed thrilled to spend her birthday with her girls shopping for her first grandchild.
Unfortunately, our son still renames nameless because Brian has yet to realize that my name ideas are way better than his.