Wednesday, June 20, 2012

James Archie King, 1925-2012

Grandpa came to visit my family in Seattle
James Archie King was quick-tempered, ornery, stubborn, and always one to question authority, especially when it came to those damn doctors.

Considered legally blind by 41yo, my grandfather needed a lot of those strong Irish traits just to make it in the world.

Recently, he confessed that a policeman pulled him over for driving his lawnmower into town. He wanted to know if he needed a license to drive a scooter instead. Apparently, he continued to ride his lawnmower anyway.

Grandpa was pretty rough around the edges, but put a baby in his arms and he'd coo and giggle. In fact, Baby Jack loved Grandpa's overalls with it's shiny buttons.

After an all you can eat buffet, I'm sure.

Ever the farmer.

Because blind guys like to drive, too.

My Aunt Rosemary & Grandpa

Grandpa loved Jack. Maybe even more than he loved me.
I love you, Gramps.

1 comment:

Lindsy R said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Lins. You've done a wonderful job here of telling his story. He's a handsome grandpa, too! I love stubborn old men and I love that he kept on driving even when he was blind!