Monday, February 7, 2011

An Eventful Week...

Jack went into the doctor for his first immunizations. While he loved the crayon band-aids, they didnt keep him from bawling like the baby he is. Jack was just glad when it was all over and he could snuggle into his Momma.

Jack vomited his breakfast. Over the course of the day, Jack became more lethargic, had a decrease in appetite, wasn't smiling and just didn't seem like himself. By evening, Jack had a slight fever and so he & momma headed for the Emergency Room at the children's hospital.

After a miserable 12 hours, 2 blood tests, a urine test, a lumbar test, an IV later.... Jack was a little better, and we headed back home.

Kylie, too, was feeling sick. She ended up staying home from school on Thursday and Friday with an upset tummy.

Daddy & Jack visited Dr. Overstreet for a follow-up appointment. Jack loves Dr. Overstreet, even if her nurse gave him those mean shots, and his parents like her, too. Jack's other tests came back with good results, but the Doctor was still worried about his dehydration.

By the end of the day, Daddy was starting to worry, too, because Jack wasn't drinking milk like he was supposed to or creating the subsequent wet diapers. Also, he wasn't acting like his usual happy self. Daddy took him to the E.R. for the second time this week.

Once at the E.R. though, Jack drank a good amount of his bottle and begun to perk up a little bit. Soon he was giggling & flirting with the E.R. doc. Daddy was able to get Jack to drink a good amount of pedialyte excusing him from another IV and the E.R. sent them home.

Jack continues to improve although his small appetite still worries Momma...

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