Sunday, October 23, 2011

Favorite Furber Things [From the Kitchen}

Today's Furber favorite thing from the kitchen is sweet potatoes. A couple years ago we learned that sweet potatoes are better for you than regular potatoes (they contain beta carotene, vitamin B6, vitamin C and a good source of dietary fiber) so we tried to incorporate them into our diet more often. We love sweet potato fries (Alexia makes a gluten-free version), baked sweet potatoes, and mashed sweet potatoes. Check out the recipe below for a little Southwestern twist.

Southwest Sweet Potato Mash:
1/2 Sweet Potatoes
1/2 Baked Potatoes
Diced Green Chiles

I like cooking because it's not an exact science so forgive the lack of recipe. Fix the potatoes like you normally would make mashed potatoes (sour cream, milk, whatever...). Then add green chiles and honey to taste. Super delicious. Everyone who has tried it has asked for the recipe.

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